Beehive Blog

Keep up to date with the latest news from Beehive and the peer to peer lending industry as well as fintech news, market trends, product updates, expert investment advice from our team and SME success stories from businesses we’ve funded.

Female Fusion

Female Fusion is a global digital community that supports female entrepreneurs in starting, developing, and expanding their businesses.

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Higher Rates, Clearer Opportunities

For over a year, the “higher-for-longer” theme has dominated markets, referring to persistently high interest rates.


The 2024 Private Credit Preview
Readings from the ‘Tea Leaves’ of 2023

The 2024: Private credit assets under management (AUM) continued to be on the rise in 2023 – with strong deployments in the APAC and ROW regions driving a 4% increase in overall market share.



Bluedot is the new brand name for Universal Medical Transfer Services, that has established itself as a leading provider of Air Medical Transfers in the Middle East.


Private Credit: The Future of SME Financing

As the SME financing landscape evolves, private credit is poised to play an increasingly prominent role.


A Strategic Perspective for Savvy Investors

Navigating the ever-evolving interest rate landscape requires both a understanding of historical trends and an eye on the future.
